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Vibrational Oneness

Vibrational Oneness

What is the practice of Vibrational Oneness?

Vibrational Oneness bridges many energetic healing systems — both spiritual and psychic.  Spiritual healing aims to support and assist the evolution of an individual as a spiritual being. Psychic healing aims to bring relief or clear the body of a specific problem.  Vibrational Oneness self-healing practice and healing sessions seek to do both.


We choose to embrace self-responsibility for wellness and well-being, embrace self-mastery of all that we are, and bring a preparedness to release entrenched negative thoughts, feelings, and habits that no longer serve us well.  We feel supported every step of the way by inspired combinations and practices as we resolve to evolve. 

Kerry is the inspired creator and Teacher Practitioner of Vibrational Oneness practice.  She lovingly and willingly shares her knowledge and wonder for life through her Vibrational Oneness and other workshops.  She knows that a vital component of wellness and well-being is the healing and re-balancing that must take place mentally and emotionally.


Vibrational Oneness can be likened to a combination of Reiki and other forms of energy healing, holistic and subtle aromatherapy, crystal therapy, guided meditation, holistic counselling and working with higher guidance — it is all of these modalities, and not exactly any of them.  Kerry values each of these practices, and continues to also offer many of them individually. But following her own 'transformational moment' of healing with Spirit, she was inspired to use her appreciation of synergy and blending tools that we are gifted by Gaia to explore memory of how each could enhance the other. 


In 2013 Vibrational Oneness was born and was subsequently approved and listed by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) as an approved modality.  Kerry is also an approved training provider. Practitioners of Vibrational Oneness, Reiki, and other energy healing modalities can join IICT here. Please contact Kerry if you would like to enquire about a session.

We are gifted so much by Mother Earth and when specific essential oils, crystals, and flower essences are synergistically combined with a willingness to let go, our natural access to Oneness is powerfully facilitated.  Healing on every level is enhanced, and a sense of wholeness is restored as the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are aligned and attuned.  Our bodies are magnificent mechanisms that continually seek homoeostasis, our natural state of balance, on every level.  Vibrational Oneness restores balance and brings awareness to our inherent wellness and well-being — we are perfect, in all of our perceived imperfections.

This practice is designed to be a powerful life-enhancing self-treatment using natural products that are readily available and already enjoyed by many each day.  Vibrational Oneness is also a powerful and effective treatment to facilitate change for ongoing wellness and well-being when delivered by a trained practitioner.  As with herbal medicine or aromatherapy, the magic is in the synergy of the combinations, each component part bringing more to the mix than its individual part — indeed, we are all so much more than our component parts.


Although inherently available to each of us, access to Vibrational Oneness in our modern world has become a life-skill that many of us need to 'learn' after years of resistance and struggle.  The practice facilitates memory of that which many have forgotten.  Memory is stimulated and harmony facilitated at a cellular, sub-conscious, and conscious, level. 


Whether we choose to become a facilitator and healer for others, we embrace the practice of Vibrational Oneness as part of our own daily routine, which facilitates us daring to choose to be however we wish to be, and then being all that we choose to be.


Much information about the practice of Vibrational Oneness and how Kerry uses it in her daily life can be found in her Crystal Resonance books - print books are available here and both print and e-books are available from major online sellers and selected bookstores. Kerry was guided to make the Vibrational Oneness combinations and practices available to those who prefer to explore new practices at their own pace with books. The books allowed Kerry to expand the information further and share many of her own moments with the combinations, and indeed, most past students also purchased the books.












Crystal Resonance cover
Crystal Resonance 2 cover
Crystal Resonance 3 cover

Attunement workshops for all levels of Vibrational Oneness are available for those who would like to explore the beauty and synergy of this life-enhancing practice.  There are three levels of Certificate Workshops:  Level 1 Self-Treatment; Level 2 Practitioner; and Level 3 Teacher Practitioner. Please feel free to contact Kerry to request any other information about workshops ... or subscribe to receive all updates using the subscription box below.

Online courses for Vibrational Oneness Certificates will soon be available ... so subscribe to keep up to date on all Online Courses and offers, or check the website or social media platforms for announcements.

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Students enrolling in a  Vibrational Oneness Workshop receive their own Vibrational Oneness Kit ... and complete the Workshop with the skills, knowledge and reference manual to embrace making their own high vibrational blends in the future.

Kits include vibrationally matched crystal stone, combined crystal and flower essences blend, and essential oil to support your ongoing daily practice and physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness and well-being.  

Online course students will be fully attuned, and receive the same Vibrational Oneness manuals as Workshop students and will receive full training using a crystal stone of their choosing. In fact, Online Course students receive an expanded version of the Level 1 Self Treatment Manual simply because pages are not restricted by binding requirements ... and so the Level 1 Online manual runs to over 200 pages with the expanded information on Ascended Teachers.

Ascended Teachers are not discussed in the Crystal Resonance books.

Vibrational Oneness teaches and encourages self-responsibility, self-respect, self-reverence, self-determination and self-mastery ... and from that place of spiritual growth comes the desire and ability to heal others.  The Vibrational Oneness practitioner, and those who have trained to the Teacher Practitioner level, are able to bring the full benefit of their Vibrational Oneness training, skills, wisdom, compassion,and knowledge to facilitate healing that is both spiritual and psychic, knowing that one flows from the other, and one enhances and enables the other. 


Vibrational Oneness evokes a sense of tranquillity and well-being — and somewhere deep inside we know that this is how it is meant to be.  Oneness is total acceptance ... total acceptance of self, total acceptance of others, total acceptance of what is.  There is great peace in Oneness; there is great power in Oneness; and we embrace it all.



Be however you choose to be.

Be all that you choose to be ... and shine bright!

All is Well.

Emotionally I feel very stable and physically I am improving. ... ...  My family noticed the difference in me as soon as I came back.  Said I looked a lot better.  My daughter asked me, 'Did you go see God?'  I said, 'Yeah I guess I did.' ... I certainly felt a whole lot more connected than when I arrived at your place.  During the treatment you gave me on the table I felt so connected and so affirmed that I was connected and that was so beautiful to have that experience.  My body felt blissfully invisible, weightless and loved.  My whole being felt loved and I felt totally comfortable showing you me.  So thank you for being so compassionate and loving.  It was so exactly what I needed. ... Thank you so much, Kerry.  I am blessed to have found you.

K.I. Artist and Designer

Eden NSW

Thank you so much, Kerry.  I love the way this is so eclectic and brings it all together.  Every other time I have had a healing I have felt 'oh no, now I have to go back to the real world out there' as I've left the healer.  This time I can't wait to get back out there; I am excited about it and feel strong ... I feel so different, and it's not a mental thing, I can feel it.  I feel I am back, back where I am meant to be.  Thank you.



Thank you so much for another beautiful session today Kerry!!  It was absolutely meant to be that I found you at this time!  On my way home from you I put the intention out there that people would start to come to me for energy work in whatever way served the highest good.  Later after our session when the girls were asleep, I took some time for me to walk along the beach listening to a gratitude meditation on my iPod.  I had tears streaming down my face and I just felt pure joy, happiness and gratitude.  It was such an awesome moment!  After I got back from walking on the beach I had an email from an old client asking was I back working yet!  Yes, I'm back!  So thank you for sharing your beautiful energy and wisdom. 

J.S. Energy Worker and New Mum

Melbourne VIC ... holidaying in Merimbula

Infinite gratitude for your gifts of the heart and hands.  I feel cherished on all levels and a revitalised sense of love for self.  Thank you!  How did we get so blessed?!  Much love. 

J.T. Naturopath

Tura Beach NSW

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