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High Vibrational Well-Being from the Earth and Beyond

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I felt a yearning for nourishment and deep inner feeling for nurturing as I was reading Crystal Resonance.  I found myself wanting to get started, wanting to try out some of Kerry's combinations.  

It was as if the book was reaching out and telling me it was time to be at home — time to allow and time to yield; home being the internal inner mystery, far beyond the external, material me.

Be true to thine own self, there is a buried treasure waiting to be found within.  It is time to be.  The Alchemist is calling us home.  And, at last, she has arrived.

~Margotdeepã Slater-Oliphant

creator of Newlife Reiki Seichim

This is the second edition of the first Crystal Resonance published in 2015. The information in this re-titled Crystal Resonance: High Vibrational Well-Being from the Earth and Beyond has been revised and expanded in response to feedback and questions from readers of the first book. Kerry is grateful for the input from her readers and subscribers that makes this second edition a true co-creation.


In many ways, Crystal Resonance: High Vibrational Well-Being from the Earth and Beyond is an introduction to Vibrational Oneness practice, which was created by Kerry  — in Crystal Resonance she has willingly shared much information formerly only available in her Vibrational Oneness workshops.  Kerry is aware that many prefer to work through new practices privately and in their own time and this understanding, together with her heartfelt desire to share the wonder of this practice with whoever was drawn to it, led Kerry to write Crystal Resonance.  


Much information about the practice of Vibrational Oneness and how Kerry uses it in her daily life can be found in her book, Crystal Resonance: High Vibrational Well-Being from the Earth and Beyond — available in both print ande-book formats.

Kerry Nelson Selman

At our very essence, we are Spirit with limitless tools at our disposal to help navigate this life in physical. Crystal Resonance explores combining gifts from Mother Earth to enhance connection to our innate spark of Divinity, Archangels, and Higher Self and fearlessly embrace a life well lived that is supported by the wonder of All That Is.


We feel supported to release the struggle and let go of that which no longer serves us, and fearlessly embrace a life of purpose, grace, and wonder of All That Is.  We feel connected, strong, and grounded as we go about our day.


As a practitioner of herbal medicine and aromatherapy, Kerry is aware of the powerful synergy that occurs in a well-constructed blend; likewise, the thirteen inspired crystal combinations she shares in Crystal Resonance are all about the synergy.  A synergistic combination offers so much more than the sum of its component parts as each component enhances the other.  Indeed, are we not all so much more than our component parts, each a synergistic blend of all we have lived? 

Kerry teaches the synergy and life-enhancing resonance that occurs when we combine specific crystal stones and essences, flower essences, essential oils, and practices to facilitate our reconnection with all that we are.  Kerry feels a deep connection with Spirit and writes personally as she openly shares her own life ‘moments’ with the crystal combinations. 


We are also reminded that these gifted combinations and practices from the Earth and Beyond are tools, and like any tool, they are only useful if used.  Each of us is gifted freewill; it is inherent in each of us as human beings, our birthright.  We get to choose every step of the way - the choice to embrace self-responsibility for a life well lived, and enhance our innate connection to All That Is, remains with each of us. 


For those of us who enjoy honouring our Spirit within, the synergy and magic of the combinations and practices in Crystal Resonance: High Vibrational Well-Being from the Earth and Beyond are there just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.


Be however you choose to be.

Be all that you choose to be ... and shine brightly!


All 13 Affirmation Meditations from Crystal Resonance

are now freely available on YouTube! 

Those readers who prefer a guiding voice to lead them, please enjoy...

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Kristallide vonked Cover - Estonia publi

Crystal Resonance

translated and published in


La Resonance des Cristaux - Quebec publi

Crystal Resonance

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and published in Quebec

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