
The Sidereal zodiac of the ancient Persians, Egyptians, Hindu and other Eastern cultures, was standardized by the Greeks and, while their Tropical zodiac system has worked perfectly well for millennia, it does not take account of the slow movements across the night sky that are accounted for with the Sidereal zodiac. The Tropical zodiac is considered standard by most astrologers and, no doubt, will be the zodiac and astrology reading familiar to you.
However, since first exploring and comparing the two systems, I have been in wonder of what I could learn. Reading my Birth Chart using the Sidereal zodiac has proved helpful and insightful for for me.
I had revisited the study of Astrology a number of times since first being hooked in the 1960s, but there remained many traits and tendencies in my signs that did not always feel a good fit for me. And then synchronicity and my intuitive ‘knowing’ that there was more for me to learn took over, and I ‘happened upon’ the Sidereal zodiac … and I was hooked! It has become a passion that I am happy and honoured to share.
The Sidereal zodiac is used to prepare two different reports, each individually prepared for every client -
Soul Path Report - runs to around 25 - 30 pages - you can see Sample here
Sidereal Natal Report - runs to around 40 pages - you can see Sample here
We are blessed at birth with powerful Universal influences and inherent traits that can support us embracing a life well-lived.
I believe that appreciating the night sky under which we are born, appreciating the wholeness and wonder of the Universal system in which we live, can help us understand ourselves, accept and embrace all that we are, and encourage us to shine brightly. Your Soul chose to come forth at the time these Universal energies were optimal for you. Reviewing and understanding the full suite of Universal forces at play at the time of our birth can facilitate us finding and walking a Soul-centred path, and so embracing the potentialities of a life well-lived. For me, nothing feels more delicious!
The readings are best viewed as holistic ‘blueprints’ for life—the call of the Soul to live a Soul-centred Life. Transits, and predictions for the future, are not included. I believe in the power of each of us to create a life well-lived, and to not honour that 'knowing' in all that I do, would take me out of integrity with all that I am, and all that I teach. Freewill and self-will is innate in each of us, part of the package when we come forth; it is paramount in every sentient being. We have the innate capacity to direct our thoughts and choose our perspective; we choose for us every step of the way; and transits are no more than potentialities for the future. The transits of planets are guidelines for understanding, they are not Universal indicators of future events and outcomes in physical … and so each of us can have a different response and outcome to the same planetary conditions (which is always fodder for the sceptics). Our transits do not control our lives and so I do not encourage over-emphasis on the impact of the ever-changing transits on our daily lives. We are so much more than our karma … and we are so much more than our transits.
The potentialities, possibilities, healing, and inspiration that can open and flow from being reminded of the positive influences we are gifted by the harmony of the Universal energies at the time of our birth cannot be underestimated. If you can grasp even a hint of the notion that it was your Soul-centred intention to come forth at that time, then the wonder of it all can begin to feel less challenging and truly supportive of a life well lived. All who choose to receive and view their Soul Path Report or Sidereal Natal Report as a holistic guide for life will benefit from conscious awareness of the powerful Universal conditions under which they came forth.
The Soul Path Report focuses the Astrology portion on placement of the Sun and Moon, Ascendant (if birth time is known), your personal creeds to help you be true to you along your Soul Path, and the other powerful Universal influences of Chiron, North and South Moon Nodes, and Pars Fortuna, at the time your Soul chose to come forth into physical according to the ancient Sidereal zodiac. The Soul Numerology Life Path reading, and your Soul’s Vibrational Oneness Combination, complete your Soul Path Report — and so the Law of Three is invoked in this suite of high vibrational tools from the Earth and Beyond to support your quest for a Soul-centred life. You can see a sample of a Soul Path Report here.
Soul Path Reports, including Soul Path Astrology and Soul Life Path Number reviews, and details of the Vibrational Oneness Combination that would best support your choice to live a Soul-centred life, usually run to more than 25 pages. They take a number of days to prepare—remembering that each report is as different and individual as we are, and so each varies in length. I will research and prepare your Soul Path Report, including researching your ancient Sidereal Astrology Chart, Numerology and Vibational Oneness components and compiling them into one cohesive report — Soul Path Report fee is $150.
The Sidereal Natal Report reviews all ten planetary positions (Sun to Pluto), your Ascendant (if birth time is known), your personal creeds according to the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, and the other powerful Universal influences of Chiron, North and South Moon Nodes, and Pars Fortuna at the time you chose to come forth, and what they mean for you according to the ancient Sidereal zodiac. See a sample of the Sidereal Natal Report here.
Sidereal Natal Reports covering the ten planetary and other Universal influences at the time of your birth usually run to around 40 pages — again, please remember that each report is as different and individual as we are, and so each varies in length. Sidereal Natal Reports take a number of days to prepare. I will research and prepare your full Sidereal Natal Report after preparing your Astrology Chart according to the ancient Sidereal method, and reviewing the positions of all the planets and Universal influences and compile the results into one cohesive report — Sidereal Natal Report fee is $250.
Each Report takes a number of days to individually compile, and each is then delivered as an e-Report that is emailed to you. I am happy to post printed copies of Reports, upon request. However, the e-Reports allow you to access the life-enhancing information whenever you choose—whenever you need a reminder that you can be however you choose to be, and all that you choose to be! There is a lot of information in these reports, far more than could ever be covered in a 'normal' reading—remember this reading using the Sidereal zodiac is considered a holistic blueprint for living a Soul-centred life and, as such, provides a detailed tool to which you can refer time and again.
If you have questions about ordering either of the Reports, please feel free to Contact Kerry.
Embrace a Life well lived ... and shine bright!

My dearest Kerry ... words can't even express the gratitude for the gift you are and the gifts in the Natal Report ... it resonates deeply, almost seems uncanny how much of it explains/describes me ... truly priceless ... I can feel the strength this knowledge will provide.
The way the words are written and the messages are given is so loving...thank you.
I haven't even finished reading it all properly but I can feel my soul and heart calling me into my power and my full potential!
J.T. Natural Medicine Practitioner
Far South Coast NSW